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Autor(es): Bergstein, Laís.
Título: Planned disregard in consumer relations: a proposition to redress consumers’ lost time
Título(s) alternativo(s): Desconsideração planejada nas relações de consumo: uma resposta para reparar o tempo perdido dos consumidores
Data da publicação: 2020-09
Fonte de publicação: Revista de direito do consumidor, v. 29, n. 131, p. 225-240, set./out. 2020.
Editora: Revista dos Tribunais
Tipo: Artigo de revista
Resumo: Time exerts multiple influences on consumer relations since it is a triggering factor for several legal obligations, especially in long-term contractual bounds. The valuation of time as an essential and limited resource has emerged in the context of post-modernity with the formation of a new consciousness about the effects that its passage exerts on people. In Brazil, especially since 2009, several judicial decisions recognized the time lost by consumers trying to solve conflicts with suppliers as a special kind of moral damage and guaranteed the right to redress. However, many other consumers in similar situations had the same right denied in Courts, mostly due to the lack of criteria for compensation the time lost due to acts attributable to suppliers. In this context, the research proposes a double criterion to identify the suppliers misconduct that may cause this special kind of damage and to pursue the adequate compensation for the time lost by consumers. The study makes a distinction of consumer’s time and supplier’s time and defines the commercial practice entitled “planned disregard” as the abusive devaluation of the time and the efforts invested by consumers to achieve a successful conclusion to consumer contracts, breaking the legal balance that the law establishes in consumer relations. Finally, it suggests how the members of the national consumer protection system, such as the regulatory agencies, civil entities, and the Judiciary may contribute with structural processes to the prevention of undue loss of consumer time.
Palavras-chave: Relação de consumo
Solução de conflito
Dano moral
Notas: Inclui notas explicativas, bibliográficas, bibliografia e fontes adicionais de doutrina indicadas pelo editor. Texto em inglês; resumos em inglês e português. O acesso aos artigos da Editora Revista dos Tribunais é destinado exclusivamente a dar suporte aos colaboradores do MJSP no exercício de suas funções. Não é permitido ceder este material para terceiros que não trabalhem no MJSP. Não é permitido comercializar este material.
Aparece nas coleções:Revista de Direito do Consumidor

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