Browsing by Author Carvalho, Rodrigo Alves.
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue Date | Title | Resume | Author(s) |
2016-01 | Applying semantic technologies to fight online banking fraud | Cybercrime tackling is a major challenge for Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). Traditional digital forensics and investigation procedures are not coping with the sheer amount of data to analyse, which is stored in multiple devices seized from distinct, possibly related cases. Moreover, inefficient information representation and exchange hampers evidence recover y and relationship discover y. Aiming at a better balance between human reasoning skills and computer processing capabilities, this paper discusses how semantic technologies could make cybercrime investigation more efficient. It takes the example of online banking fraud to propose an ontology aimed at mapping criminal organisations and identif ying malware developers. Although still on early stage of development, it reviews concepts to extend from well-established ontologies and proposes novel abstractions that could enhance relationship discover y. Finally, it suggests inference rules based on empirical knowledge which could better address the needs of the human analyst. | Carvalho, Rodrigo Alves.; Creese, Sadie.; Goldsmith, Michael. |
2014-01 | Visual analytics for open source intelligence | Enhanced data visualisation technologies can contribute decisively to companies that rely on making sense of a great amount of information as their primar y business objective. Graphical techniques often employed to present processed information and findings to the final customer, such as charts and scatter plots, could be improved and customized to aid analysts during the investigation phase. After examining the internal analysis tasks and data storage strategy from a security consultancy company, this work suggests an approach to enhance knowledge extrac-tion, insight generation and hypothesis testing by applying novel techniques of interactive data visualisation and mining. | Carvalho, Rodrigo Alves. |